However, streaming contentsuch asmovies and music is dependent on files supported by yourdevice.SanDisk is a trademark of Western Digital Corporation oritsaffiliates, registered in the United States and other countries.©2016 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates. Accessible up to 150 feet away 6.Wi-Fipassword protection (WPA2) *SanDisk Connect™ Wireless StickNote:The Drive serves all file types. Storage capacities up to128GB 3.Simultaneously connect up to 8 devices, and stream video toup to3* 4. Workswirelesslyvia Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) 2.

Thisapp is notbackwards compatible and will not work with the previousversion ofSanDisk Connect (Wireless Flash Drive and Wireless MediaDrive)About SanDisk Connect wireless drives (Specs) 1. Apprequires aSanDisk Connect Wireless Stick (sold separately) 2. Optional view modes: list, tile Support 1.Swipe to the left or right easily navigatethroughcontent.Preview documents in-app orinother apps.Auto-play allmusicfiles with the built-in player.Enable Auto-Backup to copy photos and videos from yourGalleryautomatically.Easily access files from the drive, copy them to your phoneortablet for local access.
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Transfer photos, videosand largefiles from your phone or tablet to the drive and free upspace.Wirelessly store and streamcontentdirectly from the drive, without the hassle of wires orcables – noInternet connection required.User-friendly interface to access your contents onSanDiskConnect Wireless Stick.To learn moreaboutConnect wireless drives, go to KeyFeatures: This app isnotcompatible with prior generation of SanDisk Connect productslikeWireless Flash Drive and Wireless Media Drive. Note – SanDisk Connect App requires a SanDiskConnectWireless Stick to work (sold separately). Quick Overview Access and manage your SanDisk Connect™WirelessStick, the next generation of mobile storage for yourAndroid™based phones, tablets and PCs with the SanDisk ConnectDrive app.Easily save videos and photos, stream videos and musicdirectlyfrom the drive-even when it’s tucked away in your bag or intheoverhead bin. is the seller of record and licensee inthe Americas of SanDisk® products. ©2021 WesternDigital Corporation or its affiliates. Pictures shown may vary from actual products. Product specifications subject to change withoutnotice. All other marks are the property of theirrespective users. The microSD mark is atrademark of SD-3C, LLC. SanDisk, theSanDisk logo, Memory Zone, and the Squirrel logo are registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or itsaffiliates in the US and/or other countries. **Cloudservices provider compatibility subject to change. See SanDisk Memory Zone Product Compatibility for alist of compatible SanDisk drives and microSD cards. *SanDisk Dual Drive,Solid State Drives, and microSD cards not included with SanDiskMemory Zone. EASILYMOVE CONTENT SanDisk Memory Zone allows you to easily move contentbetween your different external and internal storage locations*.AUTOMATICALLY BACK UP Use SanDisk Memory Zone app to automaticallyback up your photos, videos, and/or contacts. Additionally, eraseand uninstall your unused apps with the “Manage Apps” tool. SanDisk Memory Zone can also clean up certainchat apps** to free up more storage instantly. CLEAN APPCLUTTER Clean your unwanted content in one-click with the “DeleteJunk Files” tool. Search for photos bykeyword or utilizing geotagging or timeline searches. EASILY FIND PHOTOS Save time looking forfiles with the intuitive user interface. STORAGE MANAGER Quicklyorganize and manage your content with the delete, rename, share,copy, or move operations. VIEW AND ACCESS FILESEasily view and access the content stored on your SanDisk DualDrive, SanDisk Solid State Drive, or microSD card* from the homepage of the SanDisk Memory Zone app. The appalso supports popular cloud services**. ADD EXTERNAL STORAGE SOURCE(S) Addand manage external storage locations such as a compatible SanDiskDual Drive, SanDisk Solid State Drive, or microSD card*. FREE UP SPACE Easily offload or backup content to your compatible SanDisk Dual Drive, SanDisk SolidState Drive, or microSD card*. The app comes with auser-friendly interface and is a simple and convenient tool to helpmanage your files and content.

The app lets you organize your files, clean upyour memory, and back up your files. SanDisk® Memory Zone™ is a file management app for SanDisk DualDrives, SanDisk Solid State Drives, microSD™ cards*, and certaincloud providers**.